1. If you're going to start a blog, the beginning of a new year seems as good a time as any.
2. I've just finished a pretty good book (The Amber Fury by Natalie Haynes) and am in that lovely limbo of working out what to read next, so I can start a new book with a new blog and a new blog with a new book.
3. My current knitting project (of which more in a later post) makes me very happy indeed, and whilst my very lovely non-knitter boyfriend is doing an amazing job of asking interested questions and admiring it at regular intervals, a blog where I can post pictures and get all geeky about it might take the pressure off a bit.
4. My best friend convinced me it was possible to blog about both reading and knitting at the same time, which is almost like being able to actually do both at the same time. If you close your eyes and squint a bit anyway. It's all her fault.
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